Discontinued Products


WooCommerce Discontinued Products enables discontinued products for WooCommerce.

WooCommerce Discontinued Products requires the most current version of WooCommerce. You can find that here.


  • Flag a product as discontinued.
  • Remove add to cart and related functionality like add to wish list.
  • Optionally hide product from shop, archive, and / or search pages, with the ability to override this on a per product bases.
  • Keep discontinued product pages live for SEO purposes.
  • Set text to show on discontinued products globally or on a per product basis.
  • Choose one or more products to suggest as alternatives to discontinued products.
  • Set text for alternative products globally or on a per product basis.


  • None yet, but all are welcome


3rd Party Resources


All contributions welcome. Please read the CONTRIBUTING doc for more details.


  1. Extract the .zip file for this plugin and upload its contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Alternatively, you can install directly from the Plugin directory within your WordPress Install.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.


FAQ’s usually end up in the github wiki.


mai 19, 2023
Hi there brilliant minds!It is a great plugin it does well with its functionality, BUT it’s blocking Woocommerce to export and import products.If anyone is having the same experience with the latest WC version please comment here.The way to get around this issue is to disable the plugin temporarily, export and import, and then activate it again. Not a real Fan of doing this but that is for now. Until some great mind takes a pick on the code and can fix it for us? I would guess it might have deprecated code and since it has not been updated for so long it is having compatibility issues with the latest Woocommerce version.That’s all.You all have a wonderful day and cheers smile and turn your positive mind God Bless you! 😉
februar 21, 2023
Plugin does what its meant to do but also stops any search results appearing. Maybe a compatability issue with the more recent versions of Wordpress.
apríl 24, 2018
Works as advertised. It allows marking products as discontinued to keep them in your system without having to trash them or set the inventory to zero or use another workaround that just isn’t as accurate. You can create global settings and tailor settings to each individual product. My only suggestion would be to set a direct link to the plugin settings from the plugins page or to add this information to an FAQ to make it easier to find for first-time users. I found them eventually where you would expect, in Woocommerce > Settings > Products.
september 3, 2016
It keeps it in ur category (like old products) in default denies it from genelor shop page list and search u can choose to change that for each product checked as discontinued very helpful intuitive comfortable i use it especially for black list products u have some coffee from me when the shops earns something :]
Read all 5 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Discontinued Products” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



2.0.3 11.09.2024

  • Fixed – Queries that were causing blank search pages.

2.0.2 10.29.2024

  • Fixed – Conditionals that were causing blank archive pages.

2.0.1 10.29.2024

  • Fixed – Optimize tax queries being added to the main query.

2.0.0 10.27.2024

  • Major update to the plugin.
  • Fixed – Queries use the taxonomy table for better performance.
  • Added – DB updater to migrate product meta data to the new taxonomies.

1.1.7 04.25.2020

  • Fixed – price class .discontinued
  • Removed – span.discontinued into the price

1.1.6 04.23.2020

  • Added span.discontinued into the price
  • Added CSS Style

1.1.5 02.19.2019

  • Add the DP_CSV_Import_Export class to include this plugins fields in the WooCommerce import / export feature.
  • Fixed .pot file to include missing strings.

1.1.4 02.19.2019

  • Replace price with discontinued text in shop loop to be constant with single product page behavior.

1.1.3 10.04.2018

  • Add discontiued-notice class.

1.1.2 02.08.2018

  • Add spacing in data panel tab.
  • Fix missing gettext text domains.

1.1.1 11.07.2017

  • Hide from product category pages when hidden from shop.
  • Replace depreciated action hook.
  • Fix alternative product search.

1.1.0 07.08.2016

  • Add settings page.

1.0.0 07.08.2016

  • Initial release, looking forward to adding more features soon.